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Seacrown show in CMEF Shanghai,2017 Exhibition
Release date:2017-05-20

On May 15-18, as the leading technology manufacturer of high-pressure syringes in China, Seacrown participated in the 77th China International Medical Equipment Fair with the latest operation interface and function of angiographic high-pressure syringe Zenith-H15 and dual syringe CT Injector Zenith-C22. 

The exhibition was held at the Shanghai National Convention and Exhibition Center. Our booth attracted many new customers, they proposed the purchase intention and exchanged contact information; many domestic and foreign customers also arrived as scheduled, discussed the further cooperation plan and put forward a lot of valuable suggestions.

The exhibition was really a success, and we are grateful to the visit and support of all our partners and friends from Worldwide. Seacrown will continue to work harder to provide our new and old customers with more sophisticated products and better service.

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