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Seacrown Show in CMEF Shanghai, 2019
Release date:2019-05-20

On May 14th~17th, Seacrown participated in China International Medical Equipment (Spring) Expo (2019 Spring CMEF) with its dual head CT contrast media injector and DSA contrast media injector.

The four days of CMEF exhibition came to a successful end on May 17th at Shanghai National Convention and Exhibition Center. More than 4,300 companies from 22 ries and regions around the world, gathered in the "four-leaf clover" to reconstruct the future pattern of the medical device industry.

Seacrown Electromechanical Co., Ltd. brought the latest CT high pressure injector and DSA high pressure injector to this exhibition, which have received extensive attention from medical institutions and professionals in the industry. Seacrown has always been based on the attitude of quality and professional products, bringing more reliable products and services to the world's medical imaging.

During the four-day exhibition, the booth of Seacrown was busy but methodical, receiving new and old customers from all over the world, exchanged explanations and discussed new developments in the field of imaging. Seacrown patiently listen to customer needs, plan solutions, accept customer feedback with humility, and jointly improve product development. Of course, the satisfaction of customers with the products and services of Seacrown will surely become the driving force for the further progress of Seacrown.

In the spring of 2019, CMEF ended successfully, but the footsteps of Seacrown will not stop. Only focus is more professional. The recognition of doctors, the trust of customers, and the comfort of patients are our constant pursuits.

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