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Happy outdoor activities
Release date:2020-11-11

Happy outdoor activities

Life is not only the work in front of us, but also poetry and distant happy land. Body and soul, at Sunspring, can be pursued on your road.

In order to enrich the cultural life of employees and strengthen the cohesion of the team, we organized an outdoor activities to go to beautiful ryside to get close to nature.

Happy Games

Cooking Show

Delicious Foods


 Special Happiness

Happy Families

Many wonderful photos have not been presented one by one, but they are all left in the memory of each of us.

These activities enriched the spare time life of the employees and made everyone feel the warmth and care of the company. It also improves the cohesion of the team and fully shows the humanistic care of the company. Let’s enjoy happy time and be more full of enthusiasm to work.

Looking forward to next happy time!

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