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Sharing some installation photos in India market
Release date:2023-05-05

We are very proud to announce that our CT/MRI/DSA Injection System has been recognized by more and more major brands such as GE, Siemens and United Imaging among CT/MR/DSA users in India. This is the result of our long-term unremitting efforts and a full proof of the quality of our products and services. We would like to thank our Indian partners for their great efforts in promoting and selling our products. Their expertise and commitment have contributed significantly to our success in the Indian market. 

Moreover, we will continue to embrace new cooperation opportunities and seek to cooperate with more partners to expand our business. We believe that by cooperating with all parties, we can better meet the needs of customers, provide customers with better products and services, and achieve greater achievements in the medical industry. We look forward to more extensive cooperation and to promote the progress and development of the medical industry with more outstanding companies and professionals.

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