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Seacrown CMEF 2023 highlights in Shanghai
Release date:2023-05-19

CMEF 2023, Seacrown is very grateful for your visit to our booth during the exhibition. In this exhibition, we have gained a lot from the communication and interaction with you.

Seacrown has been committed to providing our customers with the highest quality products, technical support and services. In the future, we will continue to pay attention to the development of the medical industry, and constantly optimize our product line to meet the diverse needs of customers.

Please look forward to our upcoming autumn CMEF exhibition, when we will meet you again in Shenzhen. We will show our latest CT injectors and contrast medium injectors etc. We look forward to discussing new opportunities and challenges in the future medical industry with you in Shenzhen to a better future together.

Looking forward to seeing you at CMEF Shenzhen in autumn!

#seacrown #sunspring #CMEF #CTinjector #contrastmediainjector

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