
MR Contrast Media Injector

Zenith MR Injector with non-magnetic structure can meet all your need in CE-MR imaging and have multiple helpful features.C60 is compatible with magnetic force up to 3T MR imaging system.
Benefits of Dual Syringe
●Delivering saline after the injection of contrast medium, which enhance the quality of imaging.
●KVO procedure prevent the position of injection from blood coagulation.

●Excellent performance, 8 Amp. hour battery offers longer scan times between ges
●Independent KVO procedure
●On-screen tutorial for the simplification of set-up procedure
●Flexible power management with Integrated Continuous Battery Charger option allows either full, non-tethered battery operation or continuous battery ging through AC power connection - switch to either battery or power source in seconds
●Mobile configuration available for MR trailers
●Multi-phase injection control

●Flow Rate programmable:0.1 to 10.0 ml/sec in 0.1 ml/sec increments
●Pressure Limits: Factory set not exceed 350psi
●Injection Capabilities:1 to 8 phases 


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